Sunday, June 29, 2008

Turkey Burger and Flames

Here's my take on this week's "food" photo challenge. Have I mentioned how much I love, love, love my camera? I really do. Oh, and I love turkey burgers too! While Brett was grilling steaks for himself and the girls- and a turkey burger for me, I took these cool pics of my burger. I would like to take full credit for this idea, but I can't. Brett walked in on me today snapping pictures of my dead birthday cake (the girls attacked it!), and he asked me what the heck I was doing. I told him I was taking pictures for the challenge. He then he reminded me that he was grilling....hellllloooooo! Earth to Karin!!!! Leave it to Brett to finally take interest in anything I do, when I have to take pictures of FOOD!!!!! So off I went, to stick my head and camera in the BBQ. Oh, the things I will do for this challenge......


Wendy said...

LMAO...I would like to see your singed hair and eyebrows!! Love these photos, fantastic job!! Ahh are the flames supposed to be that high? LOL....

Helen said...

LOL you dag! Well let me tell you the singed hair and eyebrows (wondered what that smell was - no turkey burger here) was WELL WORTH IT. Now after all these posts I am slightly confused (not difficult these days) you love which camera exactly????

OMG I just read Wendy's comments...great minds think alike...see! You did singe your hair!

So how was the burger with a'la hair?

Amy said...

These are great! I wanted to do a whole grilling thing. I think everyone's family is on a learning curve with this challenge. This week no one even asked why I was balancing asparagus on a cutting board in the family room!
Great shots!

Nancy said...

these are fabulous! what a great idea. my husband questioned me too when i was taking shots of cinnamon buns.

Leah said...

Yeah!!! These are awesome photos!

Mijn naam is Jorinde. said...

Wow, this looks great! Love that you combined food with fire! Great combination!

Celeste said...

OH MY!!! I LOVE that first picture!!!! AMAZING! I hope you have a zoom lens -- i wouldn't have gone near that!!! HA HA HA!!! Great job!

Lotti said...

VERY NICE!!!! Excellent photos, love the colours. The top one is just fantastic!

evanwick said...

Awesome flames!!! Great shots!!! Our families are catching on now that we aren't stalking just them with our cameras!! :)
