Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mason!!!!!!

Today is my adorable nephew's birthday!! Mason is 2 today- I can't even believe it!!! I took these pictures of him last Fall at the cemetery. Yes, at the really is beautiful, and my camera and I spend lots of time there. This was also my first experience using back-light in a photo....that would be the sunset. Since these pictures, it has become one of my favorite forms of photography-especially for portraits!!! So, anyway, happy birthday, little man, we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you next Saturday!!!!


Krissy said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK YOU! I cannot even BELIEVE he is two already! He has to knock this 'growing' stuff off! Great pics, love the 'old framed' ones, off to look at the NEW framed ones!

Wendy said...

Dear Sweet did a great job on these photos!! He is growing and I hope driving Krissy nuts, lol...Maybe he'll muss up her hair, lol...Hope you get some good photos Saturday with your new camera!! I think it's cool that y'all went to the cemetery for photos...there is beauty and good light every where if you just look for it!! Great job ma'am!