Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflection of Pregnancy

So, tonight while having dinner with my pregnant friend, Amanda, I caught a glimpse of her belly in her curio cabinet. She was throwing a movie on for our girls, and after catching this reflection, I ran (literally) home to grab my camera!!!! Seems that I am suddenly surrounded by REFLECTIONS, FEET, and FRAMES!!! Yikes!!!! I really love how this turned out, though, and all that was edited was a little cropping. I am finally getting the hang of this camera!! Which camera, Krissy? Well, that would be the........*drumroll*........REBEL! Brett is trying to make me keep the Nikon, but.......... What does HE know??? LOL!!!!! He's just afraid that I will upgrade again soon, and he doesn't want me to have a bunch of Canon lenses when I buy my D300. OK, he has a point, but...I'm not listening. I will sell them all, and be stuck with the D300 body. Stupid, YES! But, I am not going to make any sense of this....too boring, right now.


Helen said...

Seriously girl ... if you re-read over what you wrote there, you can clearly see why you are voted the DCP for LIFE (Dag Club President - for those of you in the dark) You are so have totally distracted us from that amazing photo you took of Amanda! That so rocks ... Missy Meltdown..."uuhhh I can't take photos like that....I don't want to play"!!!!!!!! SHUT UP! DAG! GET OUT! And you think Brett has issues LOL!

Leah said...

Very cool!!