Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflections part 1

As not to be tardy on the photo challenge, Helen!, I *quickly* snapped a few pics for the new challenge, which is about reflections. I didn't realize how many reflections there are in a day- I guess I have never paid attention. Now, there is NO way I can come close to creating shots like Wendy's, but I do like a couple that I took today!!! And, Wendy, thank you for giving me permission to play in PS!!! Pheew!!! I will add more reflection pictures as I take them- I just didn't want to be LATE again!!!!!!


Helen said... are so funny! I casually come to check out your blog and "WHAM"!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all these darn photos...not busy today DCP???? Yikes!! Reflections everywhere *snort* I will let you know this weekend. But seriously...thanks for the ideas though

Leah said...

Oh my God!!! There are so many fabulous reflections here!! and I think you might be one of the first to post them. LOL!!!

You are really an amazing photographer! My favourite.... the one of your daughter in the water, it is gorgeous!!!