Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pheew- I Did It!!!

First of all, I would like to sincerely thank...yes, THANK...Wendy and Helen for this challenge of all challenges. You see, I despise feet, and I think this first challenge *may* have helped me overcome my intense fear of these nasty things. I would have NEVER thought I would have my precious firstborn (no, not Lexi; my Nikon!) anywhere near something of this nature. But, I did it, and guess what? I enjoyed it!!! So, again, thanks Wendy and Helen!!!! Here is what I have come up with, so far.

Just a little story behind the tree climbing toes: While I was cleaning up breakfast (brekky ? for you, Helen), I saw something moving in my young tree out back. I looked a little closer, and realized that it was Lexi. This girl can't stay out of trees, and she KNOWS she isn't suppose to even think about climbing this one- it's too fragile. So, while stomping to the back door to send her to her room, it struck me! FEET!!!!!! I opened the door, told her to stay put for a few minutes, and THEN she would go to her room!!!!! I know, I know, but this was perfect timing.


Leah said...

I LOVE the feet shot!!! Don't be afraid of the feet, they won't hurt you. LOL>

Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

Feet???? You???????? even I don't like them either, your photos are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

Nancy said...

great shots, i really love that last one!

Wendy said... are amazing and see that challenge wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be!! Fantastic job ma'am...

Christine said...

Wow, fantastic shots!