Sunday, June 22, 2008

One More Reflection- I promise!!!

FYI: I have been known to break promises. Right, SR? LOL! Anyway, I am having way too much fun with this week's photo challenge, which is to photograph something to do, or with, a reflection. Reflections are now all I see, and I can't stop. I swear, I am surrounded. Here is a picture I caught while I was *attempting* to clean my car. I was doing a great job on the Jeep UNTIL I caught a glimpse of the girls walking down the street. Once again, I ran to grab my camera, went back outside, and made the girls walk down the street one more time. I wanted them to hold hands, but they opted for throwing their arms around each other. They really are that close. *Sigh* I just love that about them. I am going to have to do a scrap page on this one...I think? Hush, SR! Yes, more huevadas!!!!!


Krissy said...

what a GREAT reflection idea! LOVE IT!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

oh wow.. like that ones when kids is bck there.. like that ones..

Wendy said...

Oh Karin that is so sweet!! I wish my sister and I had been that close...but not even!! LOL...Great did you get the jeep cleaned, lol...I am glad I am not the only one easily distracted!!

Helen said...

*sigh* fabulous DCP!!! *sigh * such angels

Jodie Redman said...

I REALLY love this one! Just fantastic!