Monday, June 2, 2008

Not Feet, Just Lexi

OK, I do like this picture of Lexi, but I really just want to add something above the last post in hopes that FEET aren't the FIRST thing I see when I bring this blog up! Yes, Helen, I am whining!!!!


Helen said...

Okay...I have to admit this is an "like it".... bloody beautiful as my mother would say.

Wendy said... you are still whining about the feet! Well I think the photo of Lexi is a perfect distraction! Did you talk to your sister? I'm using the lens that came with the camera for the last few macros...55mm. I wanted a Macro lens but I don't think I'm going to get one as I see that I can either use the 55mm or the telephoto with extension tubes. I think the extension tubes would be cheaper than a new lens, lol...You know what bugs me is that you, H, and Krissy can take awesome portraits of your munchkin's and other people and I can't! Give me nature any day, lol...just keep the people from my lens, Ekk!! Thanks for all your sweet and hilarous comments on the blog, Love them!!