Friday, June 20, 2008

I Am Such A Flake!

Last night, I swore that I was going to keep the Canon. I love the thing- the clarity of each picture is unbeatable...without a doubt. BUT, Brett made me promise to spend one more day with the Nikon. Just one day? OK. No problem. I could just ship it back this afternoon, and be done with it. No problem? My butt! I fell in love with it. I was once again enamoured with Nikon's rich saturation!!! That is what I loved about my D40x, and I love it even more with the D80!!! The search is over (until I upgrade to the D300!)- I am keeping the Nikon. Anyway, here are a couple of UNALTERED pictures I snapped, once again in my mysterious fruit tree, out in the backyard. By the way, Wendy, it's not a plum tree. It's some kind of a crab apple like tree...but not a crab apple tree. Get it? Me either.


Krissy said...

yep. Flake. LOL!

Helen said...


Thanks for saying they are UNaltered - I have to bow even lower to you - scraping my knees - these photos rock