Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Canon Pictures

Today, my new toy arrived. The brand spankin' new Canon Rebel XSi!!!! Yeah, that's great and all, but I am having a terrible time letting go of my Nikon. I truly love Nikon, but after a couple of months of research and hands-on playing, I decided to upgrade to the Rebel. It made more sense- financially. To upgrade with Nikon, it would have cost me LOTS more. With the Rebel, I was able to get some new features that my D40x didn't have. Someday, I will own the Nikon D300, but until then, and that may be never, this little gem will do.....I think! So far, I can say I prefer the saturation and color of the Nikon, but I like the clarity of the Canon. But, that may change-after I learn how to use this thing!!! Wendy and Krissy, I need help. Ohhh, and I LOOOVE the added extra focal opposed to my three with the D40x. Now, THAT is FUN!!!! Ohhhhhhh, and I have to mention the independent buttons for the ISO and WB!!!! With my Nikon, I had to scroll through the menus to change those, and I change them a lot. And, the action shots will be better too; Nikon neglected to add an extra AF motor to the save some $, I assume....and it has been really hard to get great action shots. Of course, I learned this way after I bought the camera!!! That was when I decided to upgrade. So, my firstborn is being sent to a new, loving home tomorrow morning. I will miss it dearly, but I am OK knowing that it will be used all over Europe this Summer. I hate my sister. Just kidding!!!! Kind of.
BTW, that picture of Jessica explains why we call her, "Messy Jessi".


Krissy said...

OMGGGGGGGGGGGG I hate you. Like I just said in my message on your phone, I didn't even see an COMMERCIAL for this camera until two days ago, I can't believe you have one! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!

Helen said...

One day at a time my will get there. Looks great.

Wendy said...

AAAAAAAAhhhhhh YEA!! Another Canon user joins the WORLD!! Wow Karin the photos are spectacular...Hey I've been with Canon for awhile so I was use to their settings and where everything is and I do love my REBEL...but you have the need help with the new lens madam Krissy suggested, lol...I love the photo of your daughter, her eyes just POP!! She is going to be a heart-breaker, Yikes!! I think we need to bug the heck out of Krissy, lol...You are going to love your camera take your time and get the books out and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!! Can't wait to see more photos!! My tripod and monopod are coming in this week and I can hardly wait...I so want to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, lol...Have a good week and have fun!!

Leah said...

WOW!!! THose are some beautiful pics girl!!!!!!!! Congrats on the new camera!! I know what you mean about easy access to the buttons, I change my ISO alot!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up for this weeks challenge.

Love the messy face, it's as real as it gets!

Celeste said...

OOOOOH - you will LOVE your Canon!! I have the XTi and can't ever seem to put it down! It's sooo much fun! I hope you love it!