Saturday, June 7, 2008

Challenge #2 Frame Your Picture

The second challenge from Wendy and Helen is to frame our pictures. I have never done this before, well, not intentionally, so this was quite challenging for me. Guess that's why they call it a "challenge", eh? So, after a trip to the Zoo today, I was able to come up with a few shots. I also snapped one of myself in the idea that came to me just as I was putting my precious (camera!) to sleep for the day. That's just about as far as this girl's imagination goes! Anyway, here are a couple of shots I took today. Not real impressed with most here- I think I need more practice. Or, maybe, that damn grasshopper shot of Wendy's has totally screwed me up on framing my pictures for LIFE?!?! I mean, who on Earth can come close to framing a shot like THAT?!!?!? Yeesh! And, sorry, Wendy for the doctoring in PS..I know you aren't real crazy about it, but I can't help it. The only picture I doctored was the one of me in my mirror. So, just for you, I have included the original too. You pick.


Krissy said...

you and those darn penguins! Looks like LOADS of fun, great shots too! Love the one of Lex in the rock?

I know.. Wendy has me beat on the whole framing thing. I don't even want to TRY that girl is just so good! LOL

Jorinde said...

Great pictures, I love the top b/w picture!

Helen said...

Man!!!!!!!!! Incredible....sorry...but I can't see past that first photo. Woohoo...fantastic playing on the b/w..........LOVE TI!

Rania Maatouk said...

Looove the B&W... great idea too!
Was also having a browse on your other blog .... your photos really tell a story!

Wendy said...

Oh Karin I love that photo you took of yourself in the mirror...EXCELLANT!! I don't like doctoring but I do it too!! Mainly cropping and resizing but since I've got photoshop Elements 6 I am really getting into adjusting the lighting and saturation, lol...Uh OH now you know my dirty little secret, lol...I am still so tickled you got the Canon!! I love these zoo photos. I saw the sidebar one you put up for Helen, lol...too darn funny!! You did a GREAT job on your framing photos and I am a wee bit jealous...Want me to send you a few grasshoppers for practice photos, lol...I honestly didn't think much of it...(was more upset as it was eating my flowers, lol) until you and Krissy started oggling it, lol...So STOP your embarrassing me!!
Thank you Ma'am for making me laugh and for being so enthusiastic about our photos...ugh, did I spell that right, lol!! Have a Great to look at more of your photos...

Jodie Redman said...

Love these too! The ones in the mirror are awesome!