Sunday, June 29, 2008

Turkey Burger and Flames

Here's my take on this week's "food" photo challenge. Have I mentioned how much I love, love, love my camera? I really do. Oh, and I love turkey burgers too! While Brett was grilling steaks for himself and the girls- and a turkey burger for me, I took these cool pics of my burger. I would like to take full credit for this idea, but I can't. Brett walked in on me today snapping pictures of my dead birthday cake (the girls attacked it!), and he asked me what the heck I was doing. I told him I was taking pictures for the challenge. He then he reminded me that he was grilling....hellllloooooo! Earth to Karin!!!! Leave it to Brett to finally take interest in anything I do, when I have to take pictures of FOOD!!!!! So off I went, to stick my head and camera in the BBQ. Oh, the things I will do for this challenge......

Sunday, June 22, 2008

One More Reflection- I promise!!!

FYI: I have been known to break promises. Right, SR? LOL! Anyway, I am having way too much fun with this week's photo challenge, which is to photograph something to do, or with, a reflection. Reflections are now all I see, and I can't stop. I swear, I am surrounded. Here is a picture I caught while I was *attempting* to clean my car. I was doing a great job on the Jeep UNTIL I caught a glimpse of the girls walking down the street. Once again, I ran to grab my camera, went back outside, and made the girls walk down the street one more time. I wanted them to hold hands, but they opted for throwing their arms around each other. They really are that close. *Sigh* I just love that about them. I am going to have to do a scrap page on this one...I think? Hush, SR! Yes, more huevadas!!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

More Reflections, More Playing!

I couldn't have entered a photo challenge at a better time; this is doing wonders for learning my new camera. The girls and I woke up this morning at went to one of my very, very favorite parks. They were able to feed the ducks, geese, and squirrels while I played with the D80. The sun was torture, so I boosted the colors in the camera with the "vivid" and "more vivid" features, as not to wash out the pictures. I learned that this does the exact same thing that a polarizer does. Pretty cool. Not so cool for skin tones though. Oh well, I will get there...someday....when I get the D300!!!!! Oh yeah, and I WILL be buying a new lens; this 18-55 is just not making the cut!!!!! Remember, Wendy, what they don't know won't kill them!!! LOL!!!!!! Poor, poor husbands......

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Am Such A Flake!

Last night, I swore that I was going to keep the Canon. I love the thing- the clarity of each picture is unbeatable...without a doubt. BUT, Brett made me promise to spend one more day with the Nikon. Just one day? OK. No problem. I could just ship it back this afternoon, and be done with it. No problem? My butt! I fell in love with it. I was once again enamoured with Nikon's rich saturation!!! That is what I loved about my D40x, and I love it even more with the D80!!! The search is over (until I upgrade to the D300!)- I am keeping the Nikon. Anyway, here are a couple of UNALTERED pictures I snapped, once again in my mysterious fruit tree, out in the backyard. By the way, Wendy, it's not a plum tree. It's some kind of a crab apple like tree...but not a crab apple tree. Get it? Me either.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflection of Pregnancy

So, tonight while having dinner with my pregnant friend, Amanda, I caught a glimpse of her belly in her curio cabinet. She was throwing a movie on for our girls, and after catching this reflection, I ran (literally) home to grab my camera!!!! Seems that I am suddenly surrounded by REFLECTIONS, FEET, and FRAMES!!! Yikes!!!! I really love how this turned out, though, and all that was edited was a little cropping. I am finally getting the hang of this camera!! Which camera, Krissy? Well, that would be the........*drumroll*........REBEL! Brett is trying to make me keep the Nikon, but.......... What does HE know??? LOL!!!!! He's just afraid that I will upgrade again soon, and he doesn't want me to have a bunch of Canon lenses when I buy my D300. OK, he has a point, but...I'm not listening. I will sell them all, and be stuck with the D300 body. Stupid, YES! But, I am not going to make any sense of this....too boring, right now.

Old Reflections

Here are a few shots taken about a year ago. I do like these, and since they have a reflection in them, I thought I would add them. Gosh, I will even add old pictures....I would just hate to be late again.......better to add a ton, early, instead of posting LATE.......! Mwa!!!! Soooo, here are a couple of shots taken at the lake in New Mexico- just before our truck sank, and two precious ones of my dear, Mason, chatting with a new my TV.

Reflections part 1

As not to be tardy on the photo challenge, Helen!, I *quickly* snapped a few pics for the new challenge, which is about reflections. I didn't realize how many reflections there are in a day- I guess I have never paid attention. Now, there is NO way I can come close to creating shots like Wendy's, but I do like a couple that I took today!!! And, Wendy, thank you for giving me permission to play in PS!!! Pheew!!! I will add more reflection pictures as I take them- I just didn't want to be LATE again!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Shadow at Sunset

Here's my little/big shadow. Diesel constantly follows me wherever I roam. While snapping pictures of five thing-a-ma-jigs growing in my mysterious fruit tree last night, my little/big man, waiting ever so patiently for me to get the heck out of the tree, was right at my feet. I just love the way the sun is gently kissing his coat. By the way, absolutely NO editing was used here- I LOVE THAT!!!!! So, with the help of Mother Nature, I was able to get this cute shot of him.

Five Things

Uh-Oh~ I think I am late? Here are a couple of shots I took for the "five things" challenge. Five things growing and five things dying. Thanks for looking!!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lexi's Buddy

Last weekend I took the girls to the Zoo for some "mommy" time. Just the three of us- which is rare, but so much fun. Of course, Lexi loved the monkeys- especially this little black guy. She watched him for the longest time, and then asked if she could have one. Some girls want ponies, and some would prefer a monkey. By the way, these pictures really make me miss my old 18-135 lens!!!! Gina, I hope you are enjoying it!!!!!!! Loser.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Canon Pictures

Today, my new toy arrived. The brand spankin' new Canon Rebel XSi!!!! Yeah, that's great and all, but I am having a terrible time letting go of my Nikon. I truly love Nikon, but after a couple of months of research and hands-on playing, I decided to upgrade to the Rebel. It made more sense- financially. To upgrade with Nikon, it would have cost me LOTS more. With the Rebel, I was able to get some new features that my D40x didn't have. Someday, I will own the Nikon D300, but until then, and that may be never, this little gem will do.....I think! So far, I can say I prefer the saturation and color of the Nikon, but I like the clarity of the Canon. But, that may change-after I learn how to use this thing!!! Wendy and Krissy, I need help. Ohhh, and I LOOOVE the added extra focal opposed to my three with the D40x. Now, THAT is FUN!!!! Ohhhhhhh, and I have to mention the independent buttons for the ISO and WB!!!! With my Nikon, I had to scroll through the menus to change those, and I change them a lot. And, the action shots will be better too; Nikon neglected to add an extra AF motor to the save some $, I assume....and it has been really hard to get great action shots. Of course, I learned this way after I bought the camera!!! That was when I decided to upgrade. So, my firstborn is being sent to a new, loving home tomorrow morning. I will miss it dearly, but I am OK knowing that it will be used all over Europe this Summer. I hate my sister. Just kidding!!!! Kind of.
BTW, that picture of Jessica explains why we call her, "Messy Jessi".

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Old "Framed" Pictures

Here are a couple of shots that look framed to me. I took these a few months ago for a dSLR class at Better Photo. The assignment was to shoot in low light. These are two of my favorite shots from that assignment- maybe because they are "framed"? Hmmmm........

Happy Birthday, Mason!!!!!!

Today is my adorable nephew's birthday!! Mason is 2 today- I can't even believe it!!! I took these pictures of him last Fall at the cemetery. Yes, at the really is beautiful, and my camera and I spend lots of time there. This was also my first experience using back-light in a photo....that would be the sunset. Since these pictures, it has become one of my favorite forms of photography-especially for portraits!!! So, anyway, happy birthday, little man, we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you next Saturday!!!!

Challenge #2 Frame Your Picture

The second challenge from Wendy and Helen is to frame our pictures. I have never done this before, well, not intentionally, so this was quite challenging for me. Guess that's why they call it a "challenge", eh? So, after a trip to the Zoo today, I was able to come up with a few shots. I also snapped one of myself in the idea that came to me just as I was putting my precious (camera!) to sleep for the day. That's just about as far as this girl's imagination goes! Anyway, here are a couple of shots I took today. Not real impressed with most here- I think I need more practice. Or, maybe, that damn grasshopper shot of Wendy's has totally screwed me up on framing my pictures for LIFE?!?! I mean, who on Earth can come close to framing a shot like THAT?!!?!? Yeesh! And, sorry, Wendy for the doctoring in PS..I know you aren't real crazy about it, but I can't help it. The only picture I doctored was the one of me in my mirror. So, just for you, I have included the original too. You pick.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Not Feet, Just Lexi

OK, I do like this picture of Lexi, but I really just want to add something above the last post in hopes that FEET aren't the FIRST thing I see when I bring this blog up! Yes, Helen, I am whining!!!!