Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mosbarger Eyes

Jessica was lucky enough to inherit her dad and grandpa's beautiful eyes! The first thing I ever noticed about Brett were his gorgeous peepers, and now I can see the same thing in my daughter.


Wendy said...

Oh Goodness how could you NOT fall for those peepers...gorgeous eyes but the photographer did an amazing job capturing them too!!

Leah said...

LOVE this photo!!!!

Hey your blog music is rocking Karin! I think I might just stay awhile for a listen!

Keep the updates coming!!!!

Krissy said...

AWESOME Pics of her beautiful eyes! Love how they POP in this photo, great job!

Maresa said...

so nice to find your blog. I love you work. I'll visit often.

Gabrielle Pollacco said...

Oh my goodness!! Karin you seriously aught to get into the business of photography! Your photos are crazy beautiful (as are your girls!)

How nice it was to stop by my blog and see my dear friends face show up there!! Thanks for popping by Karin! I miss you like crazy!!

~Gabi xxx