Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, Cupcake!

Thanks to Helen, I have just entered a Project 365 (where you take a picture a day for the entire year)...YAY! I knew I was going to do this, I just didn't know where or how, exactly. So, with that and a few other things I have gotten myself into, I have neglected my poor blog. I can't forget about my blog! After all, my family visits to see new pictures of the girls and Diesel. I am back now, and I hope to update it a little more frequently....I promise, mom!!! Anyway, here is a sweet picture of the girls I took while they were making cupcakes last weekend. It's not the best, as my kitchen lighting in the afternoon is HORRIBLE, but it will do. Thanks to shooting in RAW, I was able to save a nearly deleted photo. I LOVE shooting in RAW...I will never, ever go back to shooting only JPEG!!!! RAW is my new obsession.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

This is so sweet!! I am sure just after this photo was taken they were throwing batter at each other, lol...You did a great job MOM!! I agree with you on RAW files they are terrific!!