Monday, September 15, 2008

Queen Scarlett

And this one is for my sweet friend, Wendy. Did you hear that, SR? SWEET! No threats, name calling, or stealing needed!!!!!

This adorable canine is Wendy's girl, Scarlett. Scarlett is having a rough time as she is getting old, and I want Wendy to have something funny and sweet to look back on when Scarlett's time comes. I know Wendy will have lots of precious memories and pictures of her beloved friend, but here's one from me. Hope you like it, Wen!!!! Hugs to you and Scarlett!!!!


Wendy said...

OH MY GOODNESS...I LOVE IT!! What a beautiful, special memory you have created of my Dear Scarlett!! Karin there is no way I can express the JOY you have brought me today!! You said it all with this layout, Sheeesh!! Nope no swearing, no cussing...A big HUG though!! Thank you so VERY much!!

Wendy said...

P.S. I just showed it to Fred and you aren't going to believe this but he said he liked it!!! YES!! That my friend is a HUGE compliment...LOL....

Nancy said...

karin, this is just incredible!

jopke designs said...

Oh what a sweetie! Reminds of my own old doggie Boris de Bruin. The words 'if you want the best seat...' hahaha... the same way here!

Leah said...

Your on a roll.....

Jodie Redman said...

Gorgeous LO!