Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Gift!

I just received this beautiful page from Lizzy, and I LOVE it!!!!!! Thank you, SR!!!!! I am still in awe of your work!!!!!! As to the picture...I had it coming. I look like I am falling asleep and Jessi looks strange, but after stealing yours...FINE!

Again, thanks and you are very welcome....anytime!!!!!


Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

You look BEAUTIFUL in any way and these gorgeous photos make me digi scrap again. I'm making paper ONLY (buying digi stuff like a crazy though..). You two are beautiful and each and every photo you would send, it will be scrapped!!!!!

Helen said...

oh please....pass the bucket....sleepy! I wish I looked that good any time of day or night. Lizzy did an amazing job....the colour is just outstanding. She is ssooo clever.

Leah said...

I love the vibrant colors!

Wendy said...

Dang Lizzy can scrap!!!!!! This is Fantastic and love the photo, lol...paybacks are _____!!