Monday, September 22, 2008

My Morning

This is my typical Saturday morning, not a hectic weekday morning. I would have liked to photograph the 'typical' morning, but the with a cold and stomach bug on top of Teacher Inservice on Friday, I haven't had a 'typical' morning....until this morning, but my camera battery was D-E-A-D, dead. Anyway, here's a Saturday morning at the Mosbarger's.

I open my bedroom blinds. Hmm, Fall photo opp? YES!

Indeed, the leaves are changing. I hope no one sees me in the trees!

Beautiful light and colors!!! Uh-oh. I hear a stumpy.

Crap. I have been spotted. Time to make breakfast.

But wait! I see a 'morning reflection' in my steamer!!! PERFECT!

Family is fed. Time for make-up and hair. Hey, it takes a lot to look 'natural'!

Helen, I guess I will enter either picture no. 2 (the leaves) or no. 4 (the skillet and time). If the leaves aren't really morning-ish, then go for the skillet and time one. I don't know..YOU pick!! LOL!! I love having you do all of my work for me....layouts, word art, challenge choices, etc.


Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

love the fall leaves wow and nice others pictures too..

Connie T. said...

That is a great view out your window. All your pictures look great.

ERIN said...

I love fall leaves. great pictures. I love the pan and the clock too. great job.

jopke designs said...

Beautiful!!! Love the ones with the leaves. But really they are all great!

Helen said...

ha ha ha! Great photos DCVP!I want Saturday morning at your place :)

Leah said...

It's hard to pick just one photo isn't it. Yours are ALL good ALL the time!!! Love taking a peek at your morning!

Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

I LOVE those fall photos!!!!!!!!! hint, hint!!

Wendy said...

Okay so what the heck is a stumpy as I think I took that the wrong way, LMBO...These are wonderful, great job Ma'am...I like the skillet on the stove with clock...but the blinds with the trees is gorgeous!! I got some fall colors too, na na na....Still working on my photos from last week...Sheesh to the make-up suitcase are you serious? I never would have thought you wore all that, lol...Sorry to hear you weren't feeling good. Hope your better this week! MWA!!