Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happiness is a.......

Oh my. If you only knew what it has taken to post this DAMN layout....good Gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had to BEG, PLEAD, YELL, and STEAL to get this finished and posted!!!! Has anyone ever argued with a Chilean woman my dear, sweet, elegant, well-mannered friend, Lizzy??? I have been called every name in the Chilean slang book, and some in English too. Lizzy hates this picture of her, but I love it!!! I think she looks absolutely beautiful. I stole this as soon as I saw it, with every intention of scrapping this for her. Well, in the midst of *trying* to come up with something very SWEET and thoughtful to journal, I kept getting horrible, threatening emails from her. Needless to say, I couldn't come up with a sweet thing to write for her. Instead, I opted for a few of the choice Chilean words she has used on me NUMEROUS times!!!! If you only knew..... She isn't as sweet as she looks. Oh no, far from it.

Thank you, SR, for ALLOWING me to post this beautiful picture of you!!!!! It truly is breathtaking!!!!!

Huevona!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope, didn't learn that on my OWN!!!!!


Karin said...

SR~ BE NICE, DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!

Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

No I won't be nice at all!!! You STOLE that photo and I'm sending a lawyer to Aurora right know (he is at the Airport!!!). You'll see huevona!!!!!!
Well, the only "nice" thing that I'll say it that your scrapping abilities are amazing and the "layout" is gorgeous, that's all!!!!!!! That photo is horrible!!!!!!!
SR. Elegant and Classy

Helen said...

Did you feel that earth tremor? Came out of Colorado I think? YIKES! She's back! LIZZY! Wear your hair like that again!!

Wendy said...

LMBO...You two need to calm down!! Too darn funny!! I love this layout, it is spectacular!! It is Lizzy and it is exactly as some of the words say "BEAUTIFUL"...Great job Karin!! Lizzy it is a beautiful photo of you and I am being honest!! Thank you both!! Earth tremor...I think the Earth split in two!! YIKES!

Krissy said...

Lizzy shush. You are BEAUTIFUL!