Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Because I am such a sucker for animals, this week's challenge was kind of easy...thanks Wendy!!!

Here are a some pictures from the Denver Zoo and, of course, how could I forget my own 'zoo' at home? So, once again, here are a couple of Diesel. Yes, more.

Honestly, I do have two beautiful daughters...really! Maybe they will be included in next week's challenge.


Connie T. said...

The one with your foot is such a cute photo. Love the seal too.

Leah said...

Week after week you blow me away!!! You should be doing this for a living!!!

Jodie Redman said...

Gorgeous photos! I really love the close up of your dog and the one with your foot is awesome!

Helen said...

so is Leah stupid??? I think NOT! Are we all stupid?? I KNOW NOT! So Miss Please Excuse Me I Am Only A Beginner .... what are you telling us this week? Sheesh!

You should be doing this for a living.

Incredible doggy shots.

jopke designs said...

What a beautiful, really beautiful dog! Love these pictues.

Wendy said...

Sheesh!! Beginner photographer, snort-choke-cough!! I love the one of Diesel's nose, too darn funny!! I hope the crud on it isn't vomit, lol...The head and foot shot from when Diesel was a pup is soo sweet...How did you get Diesel to pose for you in the first one, lol...Oh and the seal and peacock spectacular!! Great photos Ma'am!!

Nancy said...

great shots karin, i just love your dog! i always enjoy seeing pictures of him!