Monday, September 8, 2008


Thanks to Lotti, this week's challenge was "Abstract". Hmmm. I have never tried or thought of that before, but it was such fun trying to take pictures with that in mind. So, here are a few attempts. Great idea, Lotti!!! I am definitely going to keep this in mind.

Clematis, an old gate (Abstract Decay!), crayons, french fries (hush, Fred), and bullmastiff nose/wrinkles/eye.


Mary said...

Hi, Hon, It's a neat shot of my granddog's nose!!!

Amy said...

Love the last one.

ERIN said...

mmm french fries....I love the shot of the crayons too!

Leah said...

Karin!!!! You are the queen bee photographer!! Loving these shots, the crayons really jump at me. Amazing shots!

Life in Colors said...

love the flower and old gate!

Helen said...

OMG girl! You never cease to amaze me and knock me down! UN-BLOODY-BELIEVABLE! Now I KNOW why I voted you Madam President. I bow before you.

Helen said...

can I put all your photos on the collage? I can't decide...eeekkkk!

Connie T. said...

These are really good.

jopke designs said...

I really like the one of the dog, but they are all so beautiful and colourfull.

Jorinde said...

Beautiful pictures and I love the close up of the dog!

Val said...

OMG these are awesome!!!! whoua!

Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

I've always loved abstract art and you did such a wonderful job with these photos JR!!!! I so love them and I want them to scrap something....may I????
You are such a talent with that "thing" that takes pictures (Camera???)!!!!!!!!!!!! WTG!"!!!

Wendy said...

You ROCK!! I love the photo of the french fries and laughed at your comment...I didn't show Fred!! He already thinks we are trouble, lol...I am so tickled that you finally got down to the nitty gritty with that Macro...sheesh took you long enough...Now go buy me a Macro so I can at least compete with you, lol...wildflower season will be here before you know it, lol...oh you know what you need to try for snow flakes, now that would be sweet!!

Jodie Redman said...

Cool photos! I love the dog and the crayons!

Nancy said...

wow! you really rocked this challenge, they are all beautiful and clever too!