Monday, December 1, 2008


OK, I *kind 0f* cheated here. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and held on to them, knowing that there would be an action/motion challenge. This is my wonder-mastiff, Diesel. He is 115 lbs of..well...hmmm....I don't really know. But I do know that he attacks any little (very little) thing that moves, and leaves are no exception! I really wanted to get Fall pictures of my girls on this particular day but, as you can see, Diesel made my amateur photo shoot darn near
impossible. THIS is the reason my husband has dubbed Diesel "dumb-ass-tiff". Get it? Instead of "the mastiff"? Now, if these leaves were an inch or two bigger, Diesel would NOT have been in these pictures. He would have instead ran under the house. He's just tough like that.


jopke designs said...

My gosh Karin, I'm laughing so hard! I can just picture it before my eyes! These photos are fantastic! What a great and silly dog. Maybe he should meet my Boris de Bruin, but then again... no... He probably would eat him, thinking it's a little bug or something!

Anonymous said...

Found your blog looking for other amateur photographers! Love your pics!
I'm a beginner and just checking out others blog to learn and expand my ideas!
Great ideas and beauitful images!

Leah said...

Girl, these are awesome!!!! Great motion there! I love Diesel!

Free Spirit said...

You have Tigger for a dog ah !!! He can jump hight. Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

These photos are awesome (and so are the photoshoot photos in your other post) Love it!! Your pup is tooo cute!!

Jorinde said...

Your dog must be great fun to play with, he can really jump!! Great photo's!

Wendy said...

Oh Diesel you are just too funny!! Karin you did a fantastic job capturing the elephant!! You can just feel pure joy from these photos!! Great job!!