Monday, November 24, 2008

Weather and Whining!

Our challenge this week was to capture pictures of our weather. So, here are a few pictures of our first snow of the season....two weekends ago. As you can see, Diesel didn't think it was fair to snap pictures of him while he was outside freezing his tail off, and we were inside cozy and warm. The girls felt a little guilty so they decided to throw on some layers, hats, and mittens and join him in the backyard. It wasn't long before Diesel sought revenge. It also wasn't long before this play episode was over.

Whining, you ask? Oh no, not me. Seems that my music selection for my blog didn't quite suit everyone. I have had ONE complaint. Yes, yes it's true. I guess I will need to accommodate ONE person. Lord knows how many people have access to this blog, and no one has complained before, but now that I have had ONE complaint...from ONE person... I might as well change the tune. I will not mention any names, but her initials are H.E.L.E.N. I am very sorry to have offended this person with the classic sound of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I am hoping that I have found a more suitable tune for this person, with the initials of H.E.L.E.N. So sorry to make everyone else suffer, but it seems that ONE person could not handle anything more powerful than Barney. Again, I sincerely apologize.... to the rest of you who are SUFFERING at this very moment.


Jorinde said...

That first picture is a winner!!!! Just perfect! Also the other pictures are great fun of those two playing outside!

Life in Colors said...

Yeah, I agree, love your dog with his snowy nose !!!! Adorable!

Helen said...

HAHAHAHHA.... Barney! Brilliant. And I don't complain about other peoples music....Leah has an ace selection. I think I will keep on your back until I hear a bit of KC on here! Whatcha reckon? there photos here? Is that a mad hat eating dog? I can't believe you guys have so much snow already! That first photo...I bet you were teasing the hell out of him - by playing Barney!

Connie T. said...

The first picture is so cute. I love it.

Unknown said...

that is one big dog! that first pic made me laugh!!! looks like they were having so much fun!!!!

by the by, love your blog. the colours and music!!! I may have to come back just because!!! hehehe.

Free Spirit said...

love the doggy face. too cute !!

Leah said...

Okay you totally crack me up!!! And what the heck is wrong with Skynard? I like him. Hello!!! Can we say SWEET HOME ALABAMA!!!!

Although I can't knock Helen too much as she just said I have ACE selection. *smiling with pride* LOL!!!!

Your photos are awesome!!! Awesome!!! EVERY dang week you do such an awesome job!!! The first one of Diesel is my fave. Totally priceless. It almost makes me wish I had a dog....

Anonymous said...

How sweet!! Love the photo of your puppy with the hat!! Too cute!

ERIN said...

your first picture is truely amazing. I love it....I almost want a dog again...:) fantastic job

Lenore Ryan said...

I LOVE the photo of Diesel at the window....that's a classic!! And thank you for giving me my chuckle tonight as I read your dialog about the music while being serenaded by Barney!! Thanks for posting such great pics and for putting a smile on my face!!

Wendy said...

ROFLMBO...Oh sheesh Diesel is who got bushwacked or should I say diesel! Great photos and I love keep that snow though and just send me photos!! Brrrrrrrr!
LOL to Helen and Barney...She just doesn't like the old classics does she...We'll have to teach her what real music is...How about "Iron Man"...or maybe some Janice Joplin tunes...or Santana...hmmm Shall we drive her crazy...Shall we...I feel a double dog dare coming on...LOL

jopke designs said...

The look of that dog face!!! You can almost hear him think! Great shot, totally love it.

Krissy said...

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Poor diesel! LOVE The pics. You guys got LOTS more snow than we did. We BARELY got a light dusting. It was gone by like 9am.

Too bad that this H.E.L.E.N. person doesn't like Skynard.... LMAO!