Monday, November 10, 2008

Macro Eye And Weed!

So, I took out my handy dandy micro lens this weekend, thinking I would have all of these wonderful pictures to post.....NOT! I have now learned that I need an awesome external flash unit and a better tripod. Oh, and a professional model...who can sit still for more than 30 seconds and not complain! That, Leah, is why I can not "pursue" my photography...NO patience!!! Yikes. Anyway, here's my humble (and frustrating!) attempt at something...well...I don't know.


Wendy said...

Sheesh....Whinge, Moan and Groan...what is the problem? Uh? These are so AMAZING...AWESOME....Karin use that Macro and I'll send you some patience, lol...Now I don't even know why I am posting my Macros...LOL...I so want a that dandelion and you know my opinion on Jess's ROCK!!

Helen said...

OH MY GOD!! Wendy told me about these.....don't even bother with the bucket...just take me straight to hospital! I am floored....literally. Nothing...nothing DCPish about this.

I am shaking my head writing this....un bloody believable!

Amy said...

Those are both amazing. Like you, I find it very frustrating to work with moving models. Especially 5-7 year old models. I think I need a macro and some flowers!

Free Spirit said...

wowwwwww !!!!! That eye is just incredible. Do not whine ..... You did a fabulous job. Love the dandelion. You should see my pathetic entry. You are doing a great job. Relax and pat yourself on the back.

Leah said...

This is exactly why you should pursue it!!!! These are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!
*knocking on your head*
I'm speechless!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot of the eye!! Love the sweep of the lashes!! Great work!!

And the dandeloin looks awesome!!

Lenore Ryan said...

Your photo of the eye is absolutely fabulous!! Great work, Karin!

Connie T. said...

These are really good. Really good.

Unknown said...

these are incredible, amazing!!! I actually found myself reaching out to touch that dandelion!! haahha, and just so I wouldn't feel so dumb, I called my daughter over and sure enough, out went her hand too. she's only 6, but it still made me feel better!!!
and the lighting one the first pic of the eyes, AACK!!! gorgeous!!!

Rania Maatouk said...

How can you criticise these shots????? They are magnificent!!!!!

ERIN said...

wow! I dont know what to say that hasn't already been are an amazing photographer.

Jorinde said...

What do you mean, you are not sure! They are both perfect!!!Love them both.

Krissy said...

UHMMMMMMMMMM I dont even KNOW what to say.. gorgeous just doesn't seem like enough! CRAP WOMAN!