Monday, November 17, 2008

Low-Light by Amy

I was so excited for this challenge!! Some of the most beautiful pictures are those taken with very limited light. They seem to have such a warm and soft glow to them.....that are stuck at home, caring for a puking child- all weekend!!!!! Nothing soft OR warm about that. Well, maybe warm, but I will stop there. So, my options were minimal for this particular challenge. I thought I was doomed until I walked into my bedroom early last night, and found a spectacular view outside of my window! I just looooooove Colorado! Then, BEHOLD! I was also blessed to have found my five-year-old sleeping smack-dab in front of my lamp. I was saved!!!! This is not what I had in mind- oh no, far from it! BUT, I am satisfied. Thanks for the awesome challenge, Amy!!!! Oh, and just so you know, the picture of our beautiful Colorado sunset is only CROPPED...the colors are straight from the camera. That is just how stunning our sunsets are! Actually, it was even prettier in person.


Amy said...

I've never been to Colorado but it's on my list. That's an amazing sunset.

Leah said...

I've always wanted to see COlorado. It looks very pretty!

Love your shots! You didn't have any trouble at all!!!!

Free Spirit said...

so sweet and innocent. Love that shot. Great work.

Jorinde said...

How clever that second picture, with that beautiful background! Also that first picture is just so sweet!

Helen said...

Get out!!!!!!! You can't win two weeks in a row....I just made that rule up now - LMBO!! OH yes...the gods were surely smiling on you....well maybe is the angel? OH and can I request a new song for your blog....of course now that I have asked I know that A. you will either leave it, or B. put on something louder and funkier.

I am in a quiet kinda sedate mood please.

Wendy said...

Awww and here you were whinging about not being able to get some low light photos and WellA!! YOu did a FANTASTIC job!! Love the photo of Jess...and don't ever tell me I am not a photographer and I can't take decent photos, sheesh!! Now as for the sunset another reason for me to never visit Colorado, LMBO...I'll never come back to Texas...Great job Ma'am you inspire me!! P.S. Put some Rolling Stones on your blog to WAKE HELEN UP and snap her out of her Mellow Mood!! Something really loud and obnoxious!!

Lenore Ryan said...

There IS a reason we're here....let's hear it for our sunsets!! A masterful job behind the camera, Ma'am!! And I never can pass up a picture of a sleeping child....there really is nothing better!! Awesome photos this week, my friend!!

ERIN said...

what a sweet picture! you always take fantastic pictures

jopke designs said...

My gosh, that really is a stunning sunset. I LOVE this picture but also the one of your daughter sleeping. Great job on this challenge.

Leah said...

I just read your comment over at my blog!!! You always crack me up!!! I totally love your comments =)