Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sraight From The Camera

So, Wendy decides to pull a no editing allowed challenge this week. For many months it was in my head that all of my pictures needed to come straight from the camera..NO EDITING....until....WENDY reassured me that it was "OK" to edit. Remember, Wen? I do. You sent me the link to Pioneer Woman's blog, and I read about how it is "OK" to edit your photos in PS...after all, didn't photographers, in the past, do something similar in the dark room? Yes, THEY DID. I then realized it was OK to play with my pictures.......until this week!!!! Thanks, Wendy!!!!
Whining aside, I do try to get the best pictures straight from the body of my camera. Sorry, Wen, I had to give you a hard time. I feel much better now. Thank you.

Here's my best shot.


Kami said...

She is just beautiful!!

Lenore Ryan said...

This is an awesome pic, Karin!! The action of it all and the look on her face....perfect!! Love it!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

U knoww what.. Ur Beautiful daugther.. beautiful ones..

Helen said...

What a PITA!!! Some people are just never happy. LOL! You dag! You could take photos doing handstands and they would still look amazing. Your angels never take a bad shot.

Wendy said...

Your Welcome Karin!! You go ahead and Dish it OUT, I can take IT!! LOL...Well for your best shot it's pretty darn GREAT!! Love it!! Love the lighting and how you caught her in action!! As Helen would say...DAG!!! Hmmmm just read Helens comment...I'd like to see you taking photos standing on your head, LMBO...sounds like a good challenge to me!!

Leah said...

First I am loving what you have done with your blog!!

Second. I love that photo of your daughter. She is a beauty for sure.

Just wondered, if you have ever thought of pursuing your photography? You are sooo good girl!

Thank you for all your comments on my blog. You are the sweetest.

Connie T. said...

That is a great shot. She is so cute.

jopke designs said...

Haha... what a great story about the photo editing! Love this picture, it's great.