Monday, August 11, 2008

Morning, Noon, and Night

This week's challenge was to take pictures that capture natural light as it differs throughout the day. I prefer the early evening hours, so this was quite a challenge for me. I did, however, learn that I do like the early morning "glow" that my front room creates. I have lived in my house for seven years and had no idea that the front room/office could be so pretty. So, here are some shots taken yesterday in my front room.

The Morning Glow..........

Approaching noon.........

Winding Down.......


Leah said...

Your lighting is beautiful!!!
I LOVE the shots of your dog. Too adorable.

Lenore Ryan said...

What a beautiful set of pictures!! You are great with lighting! What wonderful portraits!! I LOVE your photography....always!! :)

Helen said...

Sheesh girl!

Blah blah blah!

Pass me the bucket.

Our front of the house has the same gorgeous diffused light. So I know where you are coming from.

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

I love your dog the ones were sleeping makes me laughs....

Beautiful Snap Pictures WOW!!

Wendy said...

LAUGHING MY BUTT DAG!! You lighting is fantastic and your daughters are beautiful...But Diesel steals the show!! He has so much character and he is just too darn funny!! Thanks for the chuckle and the fantastic photos!! I remember someone telling me the lighting in their house sucked, snort, snort...Yea right!!