Monday, August 25, 2008


I know I am posting these late, but I did take the pictures on time. I couldn't find the time to post these for the challenge when we were on vacation. No, Wen, I didn't get to the Grand Canyon...Brett thought that would be the ultimate "Griswold" trip ("Vacation" with Chevy Chase). So, here are a few shots from Ute Lake in New Mexico. While the rest of the family was trying to catch a fish, I was snapping like crazy. I also took some pictures of my parent's palm trees. I found myself surrounded by lines.


Helen said...

Like..."WOW"!!!!!!!! These are incredible!!!!

Wendy said...

Karin these are fantastic, you ROCK woman!! Love the dock/pier, it really draws you in...Is the one a bootprint? You did a marvelous job...wheres the photo's of the fish, lol...Hey did you know that Fred's grandfather was a Ute Indian, lol...never say how to an Indain, they'll flip you off...Ekk...learned that from experience when I was a teen, oops!! Loved the photos and still bummed that Brett wouldn't go to the Grand Canyon...Chevy Chase *snort*snort!!

Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

I need these beauties TOO!!!!!!!!!! They are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Well, if you are going to use one of mine WITHOUT permission, I can use yours!!!!!!!)