Monday, August 25, 2008


This week's challenge, created by Jorinde, was Decay. What an AWESOME challenge!!! Thanks, Jorinde!! Here are a couple of pictures from my stash that have something to do with decay...I think? I am going to work harder on finding more photo opps..I just haven't had the time with the girls going back to school this week. This would have been the perfect challenge to play with in New Mexico, as the entire TOWN my husband works in is decaying!!!! It's so nice to be home. Oh, Helen and Wendy, I already know I am a could I resist a cemetery photo??? I thought it would be perfect! LOL!!!! Also, here's a picture of our rotting fence that needs to be replaced, a shot of my drowning house plant, our tree that 'looks' like decay, and the seriously decrepit Cadillacs at the Cadillac Ranch in Texas.


Leah said...

The cadillac photo is very cool!!! Love the shot of your fence too and the tree. I hope you get some more done. I LOVE your photography!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

Ohh good pictures wow yeah old things.. by the way I want tell U I remember I drove passed by and We saw that Car Cadillac n I did picture of that but I lost it. could U tell me WHERE extacly at.. Smile..

Reminds Me all abt Car Cadillac is the best one for me.

Helen said...

Only YOU would post a photo of a that is SO DCPish!! You dag! I just LOVE your fence shot with the ivy....don't know what you did to that photo Karin but it is extraordinary. Bucket please. Only you could make a decaying fence look like art!!

jopke designs said...

Beautiful pictures. So colorfull

Nancy said...

those cadillac's are awesome! love the first one too, great color!

Amy said...

Great shots. The close ups are great but I really like the cars. I think they should be pink!

Lenore Ryan said...

Oh....I love the sunset in the cemetary!! You've got some great pics here, Karin, but that's my fav!! Weird, I know! I took one in a cemetary as well....

Jorinde said...

I love the pictures that came out of this challenge! Really great, but I totally love your last picture with the cars! That's so cool!

Jodie Redman said...

Wow I love that cemetary photo! What is with the Cadillacs??!! I've never heard of a Cadillac Ranch!! LOL! Great photos Karin.

Leah said...

I have to come here to answer your questionyou left on my blog. I wish I could throw shingles at them! My sister said I should just start picking them up and throwing them back into their yard! I'm afraid of my temper with them. If I snap it's not going to be pretty.....

I wish I could just call the cops... oh wait, they are the cops. Do you think that is why they do it? I do!

Leah said...

He's just a donut chaser!! He spends more time at home when he is supposed to be working. It would make things worse. Do you actually think they would listen to me over one of their own. I'm sorry I don't have that much faith in the police force.

Yeehaw!!!!! Come and be a Canadian with me! LOL! Calgary IS far from me, but I am always trying to convince hubby that we should move back that way. My sis is there and it is waaaay better than Ontario! Seriously. NEVER move to Ontario.

Wendy said...

Well your cemetery isn't any worse that my fish decay photo, lol...There is definitely decay in a cemetery...Loved your photos Karin you did a great job!! I was laughing at the Cadillac ranch photo and thinking definite "Chevy Chase"!!

Lotti said...

Love the cadillac pic, great lead-in lines! I love the way you captured the sun in the cemetary pic too.