Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

OK, I just had to post this picture of Jessi sleeping yesterday, minutes before she threw a major fit and was grounded for two days. Anyway, I really like how this turned out. I saw a gorgeous picture on one of Nikon's sites of a bride's lashes, where only her lashes on one eye were in focus. Since I saw that picture, I have been searching for a photo opp similar to that. Sorry, no brides, only my sleeping daughter. The calm before the storm. Yeesh.

BTW, Wendy, I am NOT bragging!!!!! LOL!!!!! YOU don't need a macro!!!!!!!!! I DO!


Nancy said...

I LOVE IT!! this came out beautiful. vinny has some seriously long lashes, i'll have to try this.

Leah said...

Holy Cow!!!! THis is gorgeous and amazing, and you should totally brag, even if moments later she had a fit... you can block that out of your memory right? LOL

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

HOLYCOW!!!! U are good at it.. PREFECT ONES...

Helen said...

I wonder if the "fit" had anything to do with a CAMERA STUCK IN HER FACE?????

Awesome shot DCP!

Wendy said...

You are too Bragging and Brag away...this photo is AWESOME!! I love it!! Sorry you had to deal with a storm afterwards though, ugh!! Sooo glad I had a boy, lol!! I may not need a Macro but I WANT one, due time, in due time!! In the meantime I'll keep staring at your awesome photos!!