Monday, July 7, 2008

Sweet James

This precious boy is my friend's son, James. Christy and Tim adopted him from China last year. He had been in an orphanage for four years. His family gave him up because he is hearing impaired. He has learned sign language from his parents, as his new mom is also hearing impaired. In addition to learning to communicate, he has also learned that it is OK for boys to be shirtless and play in water!! I am serious. When he first arrived to the U.S. he was used to wearing long sleeved shirts, buttoned all the way up. He was also afraid of water. Now, here he is, shirtless and water-logged!!! He loved my camera too. After each picture, he ran over to make me show him on the LCD. By the end of the day, he had learned what buttons to push to show himself. This kid has come a loooong way in the past year, and he just continues to improve.


Helen said...

what a great story and even better photos. Bought a big smile to my face ... nothing DCPish here.

Wendy said...

Oh this is to precious!! I love that 3rd photo where he is looking at you! He is having a fantastic time and your friends are so blessed to have such a beautiful son!!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...


Leah said...

What great photos!!! He looks so adorable and happy in that water, I'm glad to hear he is not running around in long sleeved shirts anymore. For goodness sakes he must have been hot!