Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The girls had such a great time at Wash Park, that I have had to promise them a weekly visit. (Ooops! We missed last week...sshhhh!) I don't mind- it is gorgeous there, and we all get to play. To think, twenty years ago, I began hanging out there with friends...sans kids and cameras, and spent hours roller blading, watching all the men run by in their jog shorts. Now, here I am, with kids and camera, no roller blades (the jiggle in butt will prove it!), and feeling too old to even glance at a young man! Oh well. My life is a little...OK, a lot...different, but just as good. These are some more pictures of our outing.


Wendy said...

ROFLMAO....you got me on the "butt jiggle"...so that is what my rear does? LMAO...These photos are fantastic...I love that first one what a great frame in a frame exposure!! The one where your daughter is walking down the path, awesome!! These are all fantastic! I get frustrated when I am at the park and taking photos...going from sun to shade and my camera meter is bouncing all over the place, it drives me crazy. How do you handle it? I have lens hoods but forget to use them, do they help?

Helen said...

I am with Wendy...man! Your butt only jiggles! Mine has a whole life of its own! Get down and boogie! Looks like a wonderful park....the trees in that shot from behind look gorgeous. More photos of the surrounds next week please. Yes we are getting old....I knew I was old the other day when Hugh had guest professional footballers come to Auskick and I only took photos of a 7yo! Only when I saw swooning teenagers I thought...yikes! I am old.