Monday, July 14, 2008

Picking Pumpkins 2007

Here are more old pictures that needed to be scrapped. I literally have a "to do" list of scrapping. These pics were taken at Berry Patch Farms last Fall, while the girls and I went pumpkin picking with Krissy, Ashli, and Mason. It was so much fun, and we are looking forward to it (and their roasted green chiles!) again this year. Let's just hope it's a little warmer! By the way, SR, I am now addicted to overlays. I can't get enough of them. Beware.


Wendy said...

WOW what an AWESOME layout!! Your girls are so beautiful, take after their Momma!! I love clustered frames. Hopefully I'll get my scrap mojo back...I found a great way to organize my digi items and I am hoping it will make it easier to do digi layouts!! Love this Layout Karin!!

Leah said...

The design is sooo awesome. I think I might be lifting this!!!

Helen said...

wowee girl! This is incredible...pass that bucket back will you!

Krissy said...

GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you are getting around to scrapping these AWESOME pics!