Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Not Quite Macro But...

Here are some shots I took today of a spiderweb in our bushes. The girls were playing in the sprinklers, and I thought it would be cool to spray the web with some water. I still don't have a macro lens, so I had to use the 18-55mm VR that came with the camera- it's very restricting, but I do kind of like how these turned out. I came very close to buying a macro today, but thought it would be best to wait a couple of weeks. Though, after cropping the crap out of the first one, I don't know if I can wait that long!!!!


Nancy said...

karen, these are beautiful, a macro lens is definitely on my list. great shooting!

Helen said...

Just tell me what I can do to help you get a macro *snort* oh that's already ordered one. *snort snort* great shots - lens or not.

Wendy said...

Cough, Cough, snort, snort...and just what is wrong with that lense? Karin these are glorious and I really really hate to see what you do with the Macro lense...I'm going to go to bed and cry now, ma'am make me SICK!!!!!!!

Krissy said...

WOW! I can't imagine what you could do if you had a MACRO. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

So... didja get it? lol