Monday, July 7, 2008

Lazy Fireworks

Nope, we didn't go out and see one of the many amazing fireworks shows they have here in Colorado. Instead, we got together with the neighbors and put on a little show of our own. I'm sure the other neighbors hate us now, but who cares? Obviously, not us. We had a rent-a-cop car circle us a few times, eyeing our stuff...and the potato launcher, but he decided to leave us alone. Maybe he felt outnumbered.. or the silhouette of the potato gun scared him off. Who knows, but we sure had a good time!!!! These pictures could have been a little better, had I walked across the street to grab my tripod, but I didn't feel like messing with it- and there were lots of short stumpies running around in the dark, not watching where they were going..yikes! My camera was much safer around my neck! I can safely say, after taking these pictures without a tripod, with a VR lens, I will ONLY buy lenses with VR (vibration reduction)!!! If this lens didn't have it, these pictures would have been a horrible, blurry mess. VR...or definitely worth every extra penny!!!!


Helen said...

I cant believe you took these without a tripod! Incredible! What the hell is a potato gun??

Nancy said...

again these are incredible! my friend did this once at his house...didn't go so well. he almost set my hair on fire when one went flying right over my head and exploded right behind me when it hit his house. crazy sob!

Wendy said...

Wow these are excellant. I love the colors and the angle! Yes I think the VR and IS lenses are the way to go...Now if I could only afford them, lol...Great job Ma'am!
Laughing my butt off at H and her wanting to know what a potato gun is, should we send her one? LOL..She couldn't figure out the bubble gun maybe she could figure out the potato gun...Yikes!! I can't even imagine H with a gun of any kind, Ekkkkk

Leah said...

These are awesome!!!! A rent a cop?? What the heck for?!! As for the neighbours, who cares! We know I don't. LOL. You shouldn't either, because you have yourself a "scary" hubby. Ha!! Maybe he could hang out with my hubby for a day! Come on up to Canada.

By the way, thanks for the comment on my neighbour post. I haven't laughed that hard in a week! SO Thanks!!!