Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Might As Well Eat Worms

I am learning that Jess is becoming very possessive of her older sister. During a visit to a local park today, Lex, being as social as can be, quickly made friends with another little girl. Jess sat next to me, pouting. She told me she thought Lexi didn't like her anymore. Oh, the drama! What is a mother to do in this situation? Take pictures, of course! I did tell her to introduce herself to the girl, and ask if she could play with them. She told me that she wouldn't- she would only swing by herself and play with her ball.....alone. And I took more pictures.


Wendy said...

Awww poor Jess, what a little sweet-heart!!
Do you know I was so excited when Michael popped out and the mid-wife said it's a boy!! LOL...I was so relieved...I am not all that thrilled when girls hit the teen years and the hormones kick in...YIKES!! You ma'am are going to or already have your hands full!! I love how you captured the moment, beautiful. That second shot of Jess's shadow and the ball is awesome!! Great job!!

Helen said...

oh poor baby! Yup....listen and then move right along. Hehehe. Love these photos....see you like to fill in the time like I do. Did she recover? Or more importantly did you? What are you going to do in years to come when the disputes become more serious? Yikes!