Monday, July 7, 2008

"Gross"? NOT

Here is my sweet, beautiful friend, Amanda. She is seven months pregnant with her second daughter, Mia, and she complains..daily...about how "gross" she looks. So this weekend, as she started in on how "disgusting" she looks, and about how she is worried about getting back in to shape after the baby is born, I took a picture of her- to show her (or try to!) just how pretty she is right now. I swear, she is the most beautiful, glowing pregnant woman I have ever seen, and it drives me up the wall when she rambles pure nonsense. Be prepared for more pictures of Amanda and Mia- I will be taking many more this weekend, during our pretend maternity photo shoot. Yikes- I am NOT good with posed shots, so let's keep our fingers crossed...for their sake!


Helen said...

well if these are any indication my friend you will do just fine. I too don't like posed shots...but I am sure you can make it seem so ala naturale!! Good luck. Oh and tell Amanda this 2IC PITA of the DC thinks she looks amazing.

Wendy said...

Wow what a beautiful Mom to be, she is glowing!! You tell her she is not "Gross" but stunning!! Just think of that itty bitty prescious baby Mia all curled up and totally comfy!! Great job Mom's!

Leah said...

Love these shots!! Gross? Yeah, whatever!!!