Sunday, July 13, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Yes, I am about a year behind, but I am on a mission to get caught up with my scrapping. My computer is SO bogged down with pictures and digi supplies. It's time to get to work and get all of this crap out of my PC....before I take a hammer to it! It takes me about five minutes to open a file. Have I ever mentioned how impatient I am? So, here is Lexi starting Kindergarten last year. She was so nervous when I dropped her off, but when I picked her up, she came running out the door with the biggest smile ever. Pheew. One year many more to go? Yeesh.


Lizzy Wurmann G. said...

I Just LOOOOOOOOOOVE all those faces in just 2 pages!!!!!!! OMG, I need to try one of these..........I don't think you went crazy with the overlays, the pages look FABULOUS as they are, KEEP GOING THIS!!!!!!!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Love this ones wow... ur prefection ones.. It JUST WAY PREFECTION as I says...

Can I add u a new freind?

and Ck on My blogger. thanks..


Helen said...

wow...super collage DCP! I just don't know how you do it....I just love those photos on that b/g paper ... art! If I did that it would clash terribly.

Wendy said...

Love that PP paper and it compliments Lexi's photo's beautifully!! Hey I am a year behind too, lol...well I am up to October 2007..Ekkk....Your doing a great job, keep it up...Shall I race you, LMAO...I'd probably lose!

Leah said...

Don't you just hate it when your computer is S L O W?? I usually contemplate chucking it out my window!! LOL. Love these kindergarten pages, they are perfect!!