Monday, December 1, 2008

Amateur Photo Shoot...

With a crappy lens, very little light, and totally posed! Not exactly my style but when my friend asked me to take Holiday photos of her beautiful girls, I couldn't resist. These angels are perfect subjects. This is Isabella sharing the spotlight with her new baby sister, Mia. Aren't they precious?


OK, I *kind 0f* cheated here. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and held on to them, knowing that there would be an action/motion challenge. This is my wonder-mastiff, Diesel. He is 115 lbs of..well...hmmm....I don't really know. But I do know that he attacks any little (very little) thing that moves, and leaves are no exception! I really wanted to get Fall pictures of my girls on this particular day but, as you can see, Diesel made my amateur photo shoot darn near
impossible. THIS is the reason my husband has dubbed Diesel "dumb-ass-tiff". Get it? Instead of "the mastiff"? Now, if these leaves were an inch or two bigger, Diesel would NOT have been in these pictures. He would have instead ran under the house. He's just tough like that.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm In The Mood....

for Christmas.....

'Nuff said.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Weather and Whining!

Our challenge this week was to capture pictures of our weather. So, here are a few pictures of our first snow of the season....two weekends ago. As you can see, Diesel didn't think it was fair to snap pictures of him while he was outside freezing his tail off, and we were inside cozy and warm. The girls felt a little guilty so they decided to throw on some layers, hats, and mittens and join him in the backyard. It wasn't long before Diesel sought revenge. It also wasn't long before this play episode was over.

Whining, you ask? Oh no, not me. Seems that my music selection for my blog didn't quite suit everyone. I have had ONE complaint. Yes, yes it's true. I guess I will need to accommodate ONE person. Lord knows how many people have access to this blog, and no one has complained before, but now that I have had ONE complaint...from ONE person... I might as well change the tune. I will not mention any names, but her initials are H.E.L.E.N. I am very sorry to have offended this person with the classic sound of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I am hoping that I have found a more suitable tune for this person, with the initials of H.E.L.E.N. So sorry to make everyone else suffer, but it seems that ONE person could not handle anything more powerful than Barney. Again, I sincerely apologize.... to the rest of you who are SUFFERING at this very moment.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Low-Light by Amy

I was so excited for this challenge!! Some of the most beautiful pictures are those taken with very limited light. They seem to have such a warm and soft glow to them.....that are stuck at home, caring for a puking child- all weekend!!!!! Nothing soft OR warm about that. Well, maybe warm, but I will stop there. So, my options were minimal for this particular challenge. I thought I was doomed until I walked into my bedroom early last night, and found a spectacular view outside of my window! I just looooooove Colorado! Then, BEHOLD! I was also blessed to have found my five-year-old sleeping smack-dab in front of my lamp. I was saved!!!! This is not what I had in mind- oh no, far from it! BUT, I am satisfied. Thanks for the awesome challenge, Amy!!!! Oh, and just so you know, the picture of our beautiful Colorado sunset is only CROPPED...the colors are straight from the camera. That is just how stunning our sunsets are! Actually, it was even prettier in person.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Macro Eye And Weed!

So, I took out my handy dandy micro lens this weekend, thinking I would have all of these wonderful pictures to post.....NOT! I have now learned that I need an awesome external flash unit and a better tripod. Oh, and a professional model...who can sit still for more than 30 seconds and not complain! That, Leah, is why I can not "pursue" my photography...NO patience!!! Yikes. Anyway, here's my humble (and frustrating!) attempt at something...well...I don't know.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sraight From The Camera

So, Wendy decides to pull a no editing allowed challenge this week. For many months it was in my head that all of my pictures needed to come straight from the camera..NO EDITING....until....WENDY reassured me that it was "OK" to edit. Remember, Wen? I do. You sent me the link to Pioneer Woman's blog, and I read about how it is "OK" to edit your photos in PS...after all, didn't photographers, in the past, do something similar in the dark room? Yes, THEY DID. I then realized it was OK to play with my pictures.......until this week!!!! Thanks, Wendy!!!!
Whining aside, I do try to get the best pictures straight from the body of my camera. Sorry, Wen, I had to give you a hard time. I feel much better now. Thank you.

Here's my best shot.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Zen...I think?

This was fun, but a bit challenging. It's hard to find zen in my house...I have a 115 lb. puppy and two wild kids..sometimes four. Also, as a couple of you know, I have been losing my hair and sanity over our crazy election. Ssooo...this is what I have come up with. Thanks for the challenge, Helen!!! It was a very nice break from my daily grind!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Colors Of the Season

And this is why Fall has always been my favorite Season. Thanks for the challenge, Wen!!! It was a good one!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I don't think I really need to explain this...Helen! Remember, I promised that I would haunt you with this forever!!!!! Oh, and's my only picture to add to the collage! Uh oh..looks like you will HAVE to add this!!!! Obviously, I am not hoping to win this week's challenge. LOL!! BUT, ohhhhh, this is so WORTH losing!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eyes That Sparkle, Soul That Shines

I had to do a layout of Jessi's gorgeous blue eyes because they are turning hazel-ish green. I sure will miss them. So, this is her...and her beautiful eyes....that I will miss.....dearly. And, as the journaling states, her eyes are also the reason why she is never in trouble for very long. I just love them.

I messed with this darn layout for almost two days. It's time to walk away......

Another layout by Lizzy!

And this one is PAPER!!!!! Lizzy is just an amazing scrapper- with digi or paper, she never ceases to amaze me!! I am so jealous! I used to scrap with paper, until I found the dark side, and now I can't work with my hands to save my life. I really wish I could, though. Anyway, thanks again, SR, this is a beauty!!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bridge To Suburbia

This is as good as it gets this week. I live deep in the suburbs (as you can tell by the amateur graffiti!), and I just didn't have the time to travel to where the really cool bridges are here in Colorado. If I had more time, I would have made a visit to The Royal Gorge. Now, THAT is a 'bridge'. I do love bridges, and I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Gift!

I just received this beautiful page from Lizzy, and I LOVE it!!!!!! Thank you, SR!!!!! I am still in awe of your work!!!!!! As to the picture...I had it coming. I look like I am falling asleep and Jessi looks strange, but after stealing yours...FINE!

Again, thanks and you are very welcome....anytime!!!!!

Cadillac Ranch 2007

Motivated by a layout done by Lizzy, which will be PUBLISHED in Digital Scrapbooking Magazine in February (?), I attempted to create a modern, artsy fartsy type layout of my little family at The Cadillac Ranch last Summer. Of course, it's nothing like hers, but it's unlike any of my others. All in all, I am satisfied.

Thanks for the motivation, SR.

Signed~ Still "JR"!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Morning

This is my typical Saturday morning, not a hectic weekday morning. I would have liked to photograph the 'typical' morning, but the with a cold and stomach bug on top of Teacher Inservice on Friday, I haven't had a 'typical' morning....until this morning, but my camera battery was D-E-A-D, dead. Anyway, here's a Saturday morning at the Mosbarger's.

I open my bedroom blinds. Hmm, Fall photo opp? YES!

Indeed, the leaves are changing. I hope no one sees me in the trees!

Beautiful light and colors!!! Uh-oh. I hear a stumpy.

Crap. I have been spotted. Time to make breakfast.

But wait! I see a 'morning reflection' in my steamer!!! PERFECT!

Family is fed. Time for make-up and hair. Hey, it takes a lot to look 'natural'!

Helen, I guess I will enter either picture no. 2 (the leaves) or no. 4 (the skillet and time). If the leaves aren't really morning-ish, then go for the skillet and time one. I don't know..YOU pick!! LOL!! I love having you do all of my work for me....layouts, word art, challenge choices, etc.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Because I am such a sucker for animals, this week's challenge was kind of easy...thanks Wendy!!!

Here are a some pictures from the Denver Zoo and, of course, how could I forget my own 'zoo' at home? So, once again, here are a couple of Diesel. Yes, more.

Honestly, I do have two beautiful daughters...really! Maybe they will be included in next week's challenge.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Queen Scarlett

And this one is for my sweet friend, Wendy. Did you hear that, SR? SWEET! No threats, name calling, or stealing needed!!!!!

This adorable canine is Wendy's girl, Scarlett. Scarlett is having a rough time as she is getting old, and I want Wendy to have something funny and sweet to look back on when Scarlett's time comes. I know Wendy will have lots of precious memories and pictures of her beloved friend, but here's one from me. Hope you like it, Wen!!!! Hugs to you and Scarlett!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happiness is a.......

Oh my. If you only knew what it has taken to post this DAMN layout....good Gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had to BEG, PLEAD, YELL, and STEAL to get this finished and posted!!!! Has anyone ever argued with a Chilean woman my dear, sweet, elegant, well-mannered friend, Lizzy??? I have been called every name in the Chilean slang book, and some in English too. Lizzy hates this picture of her, but I love it!!! I think she looks absolutely beautiful. I stole this as soon as I saw it, with every intention of scrapping this for her. Well, in the midst of *trying* to come up with something very SWEET and thoughtful to journal, I kept getting horrible, threatening emails from her. Needless to say, I couldn't come up with a sweet thing to write for her. Instead, I opted for a few of the choice Chilean words she has used on me NUMEROUS times!!!! If you only knew..... She isn't as sweet as she looks. Oh no, far from it.

Thank you, SR, for ALLOWING me to post this beautiful picture of you!!!!! It truly is breathtaking!!!!!

Huevona!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope, didn't learn that on my OWN!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mia Katherine

Here she is, finally. Mia Katherine, who her older sis has named "Violet", was born on Sunday to my very sweet friend, Amanda. Mia weighed in at 7'11 oz. and she was 20" long. She is absolutely B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L... just like her four year old sister, Isabella. I am so excited to watch her grow.

So here she is today, with her very first SLR lens up her nose. She'll get used to it. Someday she may even thank me for it. Poor baby.
Digi supplies: "Pretty Primavera" kit by Scrap Girls; "Lush Textures vol. 2" overlays by Vicki Stegall (Oscraps); Silver Bead alpha by Jen U.; Beautiful baby girl- borrowed; photo by yours truly.......prepare for many, many more.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Thanks to Lotti, this week's challenge was "Abstract". Hmmm. I have never tried or thought of that before, but it was such fun trying to take pictures with that in mind. So, here are a few attempts. Great idea, Lotti!!! I am definitely going to keep this in mind.

Clematis, an old gate (Abstract Decay!), crayons, french fries (hush, Fred), and bullmastiff nose/wrinkles/eye.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Symmetrical Decay for Helen

I forgot to add this one to the entry below. I took it with our PITA Aussie friend in mind. So, after laying my head in God knows what, I was able to take this shot "Helen" style. I have never taken shots with this kind of Helen does so well, but I really like this!! Den, I think she's on to something....shhhhhh!!!!!!
This was the edge of a huge pool we guess was built in the 40s or 50s. It's amazing how no one has tampered with it...until now!!!! I can't wait to go back. It really was spectacular. Wen, maybe we could meet there??? LOL!! Fred permitting......

Monday, September 1, 2008


Coming from someone whose life is anything but symmetrical, this challenge was difficult for
me. I do much better with challenges like "decay"...LOL!!!! Anyway, I think I may have pulled it off.. just in the nick of time. I am resubmitting the first one of the dock, since I missed the deadline for "lines". I thought it would be perfect. Then there are a couple of shots of an old country club that we stumbled across off of old Route 66 in New Mexico. There were so many cool things here, like an old lifeguard chair, decrepit playground equipment, sheds, and a beautiful adobe looking building. I fell in love with this place!! Like I said, I do better with "Decay"!!!