Monday, December 1, 2008

Amateur Photo Shoot...

With a crappy lens, very little light, and totally posed! Not exactly my style but when my friend asked me to take Holiday photos of her beautiful girls, I couldn't resist. These angels are perfect subjects. This is Isabella sharing the spotlight with her new baby sister, Mia. Aren't they precious?


OK, I *kind 0f* cheated here. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and held on to them, knowing that there would be an action/motion challenge. This is my wonder-mastiff, Diesel. He is 115 lbs of..well...hmmm....I don't really know. But I do know that he attacks any little (very little) thing that moves, and leaves are no exception! I really wanted to get Fall pictures of my girls on this particular day but, as you can see, Diesel made my amateur photo shoot darn near
impossible. THIS is the reason my husband has dubbed Diesel "dumb-ass-tiff". Get it? Instead of "the mastiff"? Now, if these leaves were an inch or two bigger, Diesel would NOT have been in these pictures. He would have instead ran under the house. He's just tough like that.