Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm In The Mood....

for Christmas.....

'Nuff said.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Weather and Whining!

Our challenge this week was to capture pictures of our weather. So, here are a few pictures of our first snow of the season....two weekends ago. As you can see, Diesel didn't think it was fair to snap pictures of him while he was outside freezing his tail off, and we were inside cozy and warm. The girls felt a little guilty so they decided to throw on some layers, hats, and mittens and join him in the backyard. It wasn't long before Diesel sought revenge. It also wasn't long before this play episode was over.

Whining, you ask? Oh no, not me. Seems that my music selection for my blog didn't quite suit everyone. I have had ONE complaint. Yes, yes it's true. I guess I will need to accommodate ONE person. Lord knows how many people have access to this blog, and no one has complained before, but now that I have had ONE complaint...from ONE person... I might as well change the tune. I will not mention any names, but her initials are H.E.L.E.N. I am very sorry to have offended this person with the classic sound of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I am hoping that I have found a more suitable tune for this person, with the initials of H.E.L.E.N. So sorry to make everyone else suffer, but it seems that ONE person could not handle anything more powerful than Barney. Again, I sincerely apologize.... to the rest of you who are SUFFERING at this very moment.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Low-Light by Amy

I was so excited for this challenge!! Some of the most beautiful pictures are those taken with very limited light. They seem to have such a warm and soft glow to them.....that are stuck at home, caring for a puking child- all weekend!!!!! Nothing soft OR warm about that. Well, maybe warm, but I will stop there. So, my options were minimal for this particular challenge. I thought I was doomed until I walked into my bedroom early last night, and found a spectacular view outside of my window! I just looooooove Colorado! Then, BEHOLD! I was also blessed to have found my five-year-old sleeping smack-dab in front of my lamp. I was saved!!!! This is not what I had in mind- oh no, far from it! BUT, I am satisfied. Thanks for the awesome challenge, Amy!!!! Oh, and just so you know, the picture of our beautiful Colorado sunset is only CROPPED...the colors are straight from the camera. That is just how stunning our sunsets are! Actually, it was even prettier in person.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Macro Eye And Weed!

So, I took out my handy dandy micro lens this weekend, thinking I would have all of these wonderful pictures to post.....NOT! I have now learned that I need an awesome external flash unit and a better tripod. Oh, and a professional model...who can sit still for more than 30 seconds and not complain! That, Leah, is why I can not "pursue" my photography...NO patience!!! Yikes. Anyway, here's my humble (and frustrating!) attempt at something...well...I don't know.