Monday, August 25, 2008


This week's challenge, created by Jorinde, was Decay. What an AWESOME challenge!!! Thanks, Jorinde!! Here are a couple of pictures from my stash that have something to do with decay...I think? I am going to work harder on finding more photo opps..I just haven't had the time with the girls going back to school this week. This would have been the perfect challenge to play with in New Mexico, as the entire TOWN my husband works in is decaying!!!! It's so nice to be home. Oh, Helen and Wendy, I already know I am a could I resist a cemetery photo??? I thought it would be perfect! LOL!!!! Also, here's a picture of our rotting fence that needs to be replaced, a shot of my drowning house plant, our tree that 'looks' like decay, and the seriously decrepit Cadillacs at the Cadillac Ranch in Texas.


I know I am posting these late, but I did take the pictures on time. I couldn't find the time to post these for the challenge when we were on vacation. No, Wen, I didn't get to the Grand Canyon...Brett thought that would be the ultimate "Griswold" trip ("Vacation" with Chevy Chase). So, here are a few shots from Ute Lake in New Mexico. While the rest of the family was trying to catch a fish, I was snapping like crazy. I also took some pictures of my parent's palm trees. I found myself surrounded by lines.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Early Evening

These are some pictures I took in the late afternoon and early evening hours. They don't necessarily focus on the natural light, but I do like them. Here, I like the artificial light that "popped" as soon as the natural light faded.


Much better

B O R I N G (uhhh.. not you, Amanda!)

A little more pizazz

Morning, Noon, and Night

This week's challenge was to take pictures that capture natural light as it differs throughout the day. I prefer the early evening hours, so this was quite a challenge for me. I did, however, learn that I do like the early morning "glow" that my front room creates. I have lived in my house for seven years and had no idea that the front room/office could be so pretty. So, here are some shots taken yesterday in my front room.

The Morning Glow..........

Approaching noon.........

Winding Down.......

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

OK, I just had to post this picture of Jessi sleeping yesterday, minutes before she threw a major fit and was grounded for two days. Anyway, I really like how this turned out. I saw a gorgeous picture on one of Nikon's sites of a bride's lashes, where only her lashes on one eye were in focus. Since I saw that picture, I have been searching for a photo opp similar to that. Sorry, no brides, only my sleeping daughter. The calm before the storm. Yeesh.

BTW, Wendy, I am NOT bragging!!!!! LOL!!!!! YOU don't need a macro!!!!!!!!! I DO!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


OK, this challenge was much more difficult than I expected. When I read that this week's challenge was to take pictures of weird, funny signs, I immediately thought of a couple here in my neck of the woods. So, I got up this morning, threw the girls and Diesel in the car, and headed out to snap a picture of the "Newcomer Mortuary" sign and a couple of others. Well, none of those signs exist today. Damn! And after almost causing a couple of accidents ( I realllllly wanted a picture of the "Dam Road Closed" sign), I had to opt for these easy, lame signs.

These lovelies can be found in my garage. The second drives me CRAZY- how illiterate was this person?? But, Brett loves it......figures.

Here are two signs that I absolutely despise!!! I do like the bouncing balls added to "Dick's"..what a creative touch. And, "Wahoo's FISH Taco"??? That's just not right. It may be a great place to dine, but the sign keeps me away. Oh, and have you ever tried googling "Dick's"? My nephew did, trying to find a tennis racket. Let's just say he found A LOT more than he ever expected!!!! I say they should change their name to "Dan's" or "Dave's". Anything but "Dick's".